My interest in firearms started when my brother in law said he was selling his BSA Sportsman 15 .22 cal rifle. This was to be my first rifle which I used to much success hunting Rabbits in the Wairarapa.
This purchase led me to a lifetime interest in Hunting, Target shooting and making firearms which I am still involved in today. After purchasing my first rifle I joined Melrose Smallbore Rifle club as a beginner working my up the grades finally reaching Master Grade and winning the club championship. One of the club members was also a full bore shooter who talked me into trying the sport. After a short period I joined the Karori Rifle club shooting there until retiring from full bore shooting. When I started being left hand young and poor I brought a P14 .303 cal rifle to start with. Initially I had a trouble in hitting the target and my mentor said it needed a single stage trigger so I made one the following week and this was also the start of my Gun making career. After more modification to the rifle I finally got great accuracy and won my first cup using it at a competition. I then decided to design and build a new single shot rifle in 7.62 cal. I made the complete rifle excluding the barrel which I imported from America. This rifle was extremely accurate and I not only won competitions but rose from C grade to A grade in one season. I relocated to Whangarei some years back where I built a new workshop and while still hunting and range shooting spend my time doing firearms work. I love Walnut timer and stock making is my preferred work, it’s a fantastic timber which each piece having it’s own unique colour and figure, nothing compares to a nicely blued metal work in a figured Walnut stock. Larry, 2023
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